Drive-By Parties
With everything that's going on we know how much it means to be able to see loved ones face-to-face. This is exactly why we love a "Drive-By" shower or party and even had one for our very own Sally C. this weekend! Originally the shower had been planned as a regular shower with the option to drive-by but Sally's Doctor decided it was best to switch it to a drive-by only. This is such a sweet way for the Mom-To-Be, Bride, Bachelorette, or honoree of any kind to get to visit with friends and family while keeping a safe distance.
Make it Special
One way to make it still feel special is to have some decorations! For Sally's shower there was a super fun, gender neutral arch. This was perfect because it made sure visitors knew where to drive by and made it feel like a truly exciting occasion. It was also the perfect spot to snap some photos of Sally with the hostesses and her precious family! (How cute are her niece and nephew?!)

Send them home with a treat
Sally's hostesses had the sweetest idea of giving each visitor a Muffin and Mimosa (to enjoy once they were home safely) as a little treat! Even though the guest couldn't come inside, chat, eat lunch, all the usual activities at a baby shower, it was still nice to recognize that they had taken the time to get Sally a gift and visit with her any way they could, and Sally was glad to be able to hand them each something special in return! Of course the invitation was designed by Weezie who truly brought the theme to life and kept the design gender neutral sense Sally and husband, James, are waiting to find out! She went the extra mile to make this suite extra special with envelope liners and fun recipient addresses! We love the idea of some eye candy from the second you open an invitation so never hesitate to ask us about adding them to your suite!

We know it's difficult to stay away from loved ones when they have something exciting happening and we would love to hear any ideas you have heard or seen for celebrating from a distance in our comments below! Stay safe!
Invitation Suite: Weezie B. Designs
Ballon Arch and Favors: By Hostess
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